RAA Annual Awards 2024

The RAA’s Annual Awards for FY 2023-2024 ceremony was conducted during the Year End Planning & Coordination Meeting in Tsirang to recognize the hard work, dedication, and commitment of employees, as well as to create a culture of high performance for the achievement of organizational goals.

The Auditor General’s Compliance Assurance Award 2022-2023 were awarded to the Best Audit Reports for all three audit disciplines – Financial, Performance & Compliance. Other Awards presented include Significant Audit Observations, Best Research Paper, and Best Employee of the Year.

  • Auditor General’s Compliance Assurance Award 2022-2023:

The Best Financial Audit Reports for FY 2023-2024 was awarded to Tshewang Tandi, Sr. Auditor and Team for the Financial Audit Report of the Directorate of Services, Ministry of Information and Communications (AIN: SCID-2022-477).

The Second-Best Financial Audit Reports for FY 2023-2024 was awarded to Chheda, Senior Auditor and Team for the Consolidated Financial Audit Report of the Dzongkhag Administration, Paro including Gewogs (AIN: GGD-2022-460).

The Third-Best Financial Audit Reports for FY 2023-2024 was awarded to Deeba Raj Chhetri, Senior Auditor and Team for the Consolidated Financial Audit Report of Dzongkha Administration, Dagana Including Drungkhag Administration, Lhamoizingkha and fourteen Gewogs (AIN OAAGTS-2022-396).

The Best Performance Audit Report for FY 2023-2024 was awarded to Kinley Zam, Deputy Chief Auditor and Team for the Performance Audit on Preparedness for Cybersecurity (AIN TAD-2022-436).

The Best Compliance Audit Reports for FY 2023-2024 was awarded to Jamphel Dorji, Audit Officer and Team for the Compliance Audit of Bank of Bhutan Limited, Thimphu (AIN COAD-2021-181).

  • Significant Audit Observation Awards 2022-2023:

The Significant Audit Observation for FY 2023-2024 (Winner) was awarded to Dhiraj Sharma, Senior Auditor and Team for the audit observation titled ‘Inadmissible provisional payment to M/s WAPCOS – Nu.57.644 million’ (AIN RTICD-2022-160).

The Significant Audit Observation for FY 2023-2024 (1st Runner-up) was awarded to Phuntsho Choden, Senior Audit Officer and Team for the audit observation titled ‘Irregularities in installation of permanent rock bolts for strengthening of underground Power House Complex adopting Freyssinet Menard India (FMI) resulting in excess payment of Nu.124,179,042.00’ (AIN RTICD-2023-49).

The Significant Audit Observation for FY 2023-2024 (2nd Runner-up) was awarded to Pema Choden, Senior Audit Officer and Team for the audit observation titled ‘Inadmissible payment of employee advance to ex. Gup and misuse of funds – Nu. 1,000,000.00’ (AIN OAAGSJ-2022-515).

  • Best Research Paper Award for 2022-2023:

The Best Research Paper 2022-2023 (Winner) was awarded to Bikash Rai, Audit Officer for his paper on ‘Enhancing Construction works in Bhutan’.

The Best Research Paper 2022-2023 (1st Runner-up) was awarded to Dhendup Tshering, SAO, TAD for his paper on ‘Audit Report and its impact’.

The Best Research Paper 2022-2023 (2nd Runner-up) was awarded to Phuntsho Choden, AAO, TAD for her paper on ‘Agile Auditing – Rethinking the way we audit’.

  • Best Research Paper Award for 2023-2024:

The Best Research Paper 2023-2024 (Winner) was awarded to Lungay Wangdi, Sr. Audit Officer for his paper on ‘Challenges and Prospects of Implementing International Financial Reporting Standard’.

The Best Research Paper 2023-2024 (1st Runner-up) was awarded to Lhakpa, AO, SoCD for his paper on ‘A comprehensive study on the sampling practices in RAA: Addressing inconsistencies and enhancing quality             ‘.

The Best Research Paper 2023-2024 (2nd Runner-up) was awarded to Ugyen Tshering, AAO, PAD for his paper on ‘Risk management an undiscovered dimension of project in Bhutan’.           

  • Best Employee for the Year 2023-2024:

The Best Employee of the Year 2022-2023 (Winner) was awarded to Chheda, Senior Auditor I, Security Cluster Division.

The Best Employee of the Year 2022-2023 (1st Runner-up) was awarded to Pema Choden, Deputy Chief Auditor, Economic Cluster Division.

The Best Employee of the Year 2022-2023 (2nd Runner-up) was awarded to Duptho Wangdi, Sr. Audit Officer, OAAG Bumthang.

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