The Hon. Auditor General of Bhutan attended the INTOSAI Development Initiative’s Governing Board Meeting which approved the Performance and Accountability Report and the financial statements …
Category: News
RAA participates in IDI’s TOGETHER Initiative
Three officials of the RAA attended the ‘HRM Review and Planning Workshop’ for the INTOSAI Development Initiative’s (IDI) TOGETHER pilot initiative in Istanbul, …
RAA inaugurates Crèche facility at Head Office
Coinciding with the 3rd Birth Anniversary of His Royal Highness Gyalsey Ugyen Wangchuck on the 19 march 2023, the RAA inaugurated the crèche facility at …
First Regional Workshop on ‘‘Sustainable Performance Audit Practices in Asia and the Pacific
RAA Inaugurates New Office Building in Bumthang
Coinciding with the 7th Birth Anniversary of the Gyalsey Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck, the Royal Audit Authority (RAA) inaugurated the new office building for the Office …
RAA Bids Farewell to Five Employees
The Royal Audit Authority bid farewell to four employees on their separation from the RAA during January 2023. Hon. Auditor General and Deputy Auditors General …