The Royal Audit Authority promoted 19 officials to the next higher rank with effect from 01 January 2024. The Auditor General awarded the Promotion Orders along with Trashi Khadhar in a modest promotion ceremony on 11 January 2024 at the RAA Conference Hall for those in the Head Office. The AAGs in the regions awarded the Promotion orders to promotees in the OAAGs.
- Meritorious Promotions
Sl. No. | Name | Position Title | PL | Division |
1 | Pema Choden | Dy. Chief Auditor | P2/A | ECD |
2 | Duptho Wangdi | Sr. Audit Officer | P3/A | OAAG BT |
3 | Tashi Phuntsho | Sr. Auditor II | SS3/A | OAAG TR |
- Broadbanded Promotions
SL.No | Name | Position Title | PL | Division |
1 | Samdrup Dema | Dy. Chief Auditor | P2/A | PAD |
2 | Sonam Dorji | Dy. Chief Auditor | P2/A | FLSD |
3 | Sherab Gyeltshen | Sr. Audit Officer | P3/A | PAD/HMS |
4 | Phurpa Dorji | Sr. Audit Officer | P3/A | SoCD |
5 | Tenzin Wangchuk | Sr. Audit Officer | P3/A | COAD |
6 | Ngawang Dorji | Sr. Audit Officer | P3/A | SCD |
7 | Lhakpa | Audit Officer | P4/A | SoCD |
8 | Nima Dema | Audit Officer | P4/A | COAD |
9 | Yeshi Dorji Y | Sr. Auditor | SS1/A | FLSD |
10 | Tashi Thinley | Sr. Auditor II | SS3/A | SCD |
11 | Kiran Rai | Sr. Admin. Asst. III | SS4/A | FLSD |
12 | Pema Deki | Auditor I | S1/A | COAD |
13 | Tashi Wangmo | Auditor I | S1/A | SoCD |
14 | Rinzin Norbu | Auditor I | S1/A | OAAG SJ |
15 | Kinley Wangmo | Sr. Admin. Asst. IV | S1/A | AGS |
16 | Choten Zangpo | Driver | O1/A | OAAG BT |
The RAA family extends heartiest congratulations to all on their well-deserved promotions. Trashi Delek la!