Three officials of the RAA attended the ‘HRM Review and Planning Workshop’ for the INTOSAI Development Initiative’s (IDI) TOGETHER pilot initiative in Istanbul, Türkiye from 27-31 March 2023. The TOGETHER Initiative is focused on Human Resources Management, Ethics, Gender, Diversity and Inclusion for Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) as part of the IDI’s well governed SAIs work stream.
Following the eLearning Course on HRM Fundamentals delivered from October to December 2022, the SAIs peer-reviewed and discussed the results of the HRM Integrated Review of respective SAIs to share knowledge and relevant experiences between SAIs on HRM issues during the workshop. The SAIs also developed and prioritised specific actions to address gaps identified in the HRM Integrated Review.
After the workshop, the Plan of Actions will be presented to respective SAI management for approvals. The implementation of the actions identified are expected to enhance the SAIs overall systems, thus contributing to better governance of SAIs and improved contribution to accountability, integrity and governance in the public sector.
The TOGETHER Initiative has 11 SAIs from Bhutan, Botswana, Cyprus, Gambia, Indonesia, Liberia, Maldives, Moldova, Namibia, Tanzania and Türkiye participating in the program. Learn more about the TOGETHER Initiative here: